Thursday, September 20, 2007

Arrested Hollywood

Hollywood has a long history of drunks, drug addicts, perverts, and murderers that have often gotten away with their crimes thanks to the studios and corrupt legal system. Here are a few examples.

Britney Spears has been rumored to go both ways in front of her kids. What a sad excuse of a Mom and a former Disney star. No Disney family values there!!

These two bimbos (Michelle Rodriguez and ?) from the cast of the LOST television series got arrested for DUI on the same night.

Mel Gibson's drunk photo. He looks really happy.

Armand Assante sucking down some vino?

Courtney Love in her usual state of inebriation.

David Hasselhoff trying to eat a burger off the floor while falling down drunk.

British singer Fergie, drunk or stoned?

Tara Reid, another drunken party animal.

OJ Simpson and his two victims. It is sad and sick that there are so many people who want to play golf with OJ and who keep telling him what a wonderful guy he is. Hopefully his most recent caper in Las Vegas will lead to some long prison terms for him and his friends.

Will OJ and Michael Vick find the love that will change them into good people?

The Black Dahlia murder. Another Hollywood crime that was never solved.

Keefer Sutherland before he was the star of "24" and now again has been arrested for DUI! Why does such a successful person need to be drunk all the time?

Yasmine Bleeth is a gorgeous babe, but in this arrest photo she looks like a two-bagger.

Vince Vaughn, when he's not crashing weddings is getting arrested for DUI.

Robert Downey, Jr. after some of his arrests for drugs, drinking, etc.

Paris Hilton, after being told that she only had $159 million in the bank.

Phil Spector, who stopped being relevant in the 1960s but is planning a new album with all the ex-girlfriends he has threatened.

Rip Torn. You can tell he thinks he's funny even when he's drunk and looks like Nick Nolte.

James Brown had a long history with drugs and alcohol.

Wynona Judd mugshot looks scary. She signed up to play Hogzilla in the next Godzilla movie.

Lindsey Lohan, another drunken Disney skank. Makes you wonder what kind of work environment they have for those Disney kid actors.

Nick Nolte after playing The Hulk's father and realizing that his career was over.

Homo Alone in prison, Macauley Culkin goes undercover. He actually requested more time. That milk mustache in the photo is not milk (check the corners of his mouth).

Remember Bud from Married With Children? He grew up and got busted, what a surprise!

Adam Baldwin, the most successful of the Baldwin brothers. When he is not insulting his ex-wife and daughter, he likes to drink and do drugs.

The most famous unconvicted celebrity.


Anonymous said...

thats not Adam Baldwin!

Anonymous said...
